Odisha Assembly adjourned sine die ahead of schedule after holding session for 4 days

Odisha Politics

Bhubaneswar, November 24: The Winter Session of the Odisha Legislative Assembly on Friday was adjourned sine die, ahead of schedule after transacting its business for only four days, citing no important official business even as the move was opposed by opposition parties. The session was scheduled to continue till December 30.

The Opposition dubbed the early adjournment of the session as murder of democracy.

“The Assembly session was scheduled to continue from November 21 to December 30. As many as 26 working days were fixed. However, the ruling BJD did not want to continue the session as it was on the back foot on many issues. This is sheer murder of democracy,” said senior Congress MLA Tara Prasad Bahinipati.

Opposition Chief Whip and senior BJP legislator Mohan Charan Majhi said, “The Government ran away from the session as it faced embarrassment over its decision that allowed sale of tribal lands to non-tribals. They sensed that the Opposition would expose them in the remaining days of the session. Hence, they abruptly ended the session.”

Prashant Mudui, the Government Chief Whip, defended the early adjournment of the winter session.

“Since there is not much business left for the session, the House was adjourned sine die,” said Muduli.

Probably, this was the last session of the Assembly before next year’s elections for Lok Sabha and Assembly in Odisha.

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