Things to do when there is a flood


Things to do when there is a flood

  • Switch off electrical and gas appliances, and turn off services off at the mains. Carry your emergency kit and let your friends and family know where you are going.
  • Avoid contact with flood water it may be contaminated with sewage, oil, chemicals or other substances.
  • If you have to walk in standing water, use a pole or stick to ensure that you do not step into deep water, open manholes or ditches.
  • Stay away from power lines electrical current can travel through water. Report power lines that are  down to the power company.
  • Look before you step-after a flood, the ground and floors are covered with debris, which may include broken bottles, sharp objects, nails etc. Floors and stairs covered with mud and debris can be slippery.
  • Listen to the radio or television for updates and information.
  • If the ceiling is wet shut off electricity. Place a bucket underneath the spot and poke a small hole into the ceiling to relieve the pressure.
  • Use buckets, clean towels and mops to remove as much of the water from the affected rooms as possible.
  • Place sheets of aluminium foil between furniture wet carpet.

Things you should not do when there is a flood:

  • Don’t walk/ swim through flowing water.
  • Don’t drive through flooded areas.
  • Don’t eat food that has come into contact with flood water.
  • Don’t use any damaged electrical goods.
  • Don’t use electrical equipment while standing on wet floors, especially concrete.


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