ODRAF, Fire Service personnel hone skills to fight chemical disasters


Bhubaneswar, August 22, 2018: The Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) has promoted initiatives for a series of training on Chemical, Biological and Radiological Disaster (CBRN) emergency for Odisha Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF) and Fire Service personnel jointly with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) which specialises in CBRN emergency.

The training is being conducted in batches at third Battalion NDRF at Munduli.

The training programme includes lectures, live demonstrations, use of PPE, protection against CWA, BWA, detection of nerve agents, decontamination and management of chemical emergency as well as mock exercises.

A total of 100 personnel would be trained this year and equipped to assist the Government in its efforts to mitigate the effects of disasters
including CBRN.

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