News channel crew attacked in Patkura

Crime Odisha

Kendrapara: In a shocking incident, a group of ruling BJD workers on Friday allegedly attacked a crew of Argus – a leading web news channel – on Friday while they covering and shooting the cash distribution of cash to voters at Karilopatna village under Garadpur block in Patkura Assembly constituency in Kendrapara district.

The deplorable incident came close on the heels of the manhandling of a working journalist by Kendrapara Superintendent of Police (SP) Niti Sekhar during the visit of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to Patkura on Wednesday for campaigning purpose.

The crew comprising reporter Swati Jena, cameraman Jitendra Mallick, and driver Tapan Kumar Mahalik was in Patkura to cover Assembly election scheduled to be held on Saturday.

Today, the reporter received information of cash distribution by the ruling party members. And the crew reached the spot and started covering the happening.

Seeing the Argus crew, the accused got furious and attacked the driver and the cameraman. They even hurled abuses at the woman journalist and attempted to misbehave with her.

Before fleeing the spot, the accused BJD workers threatened them to leave Patkura as soon as possible or face dire consequence.

Police, though reached the spot late, asked the team to leave the place immediately instead of launching an investigation into the matter.

Meanwhile, locals said that Baya Mallick and Litu, who are BJD workers, along with their supporters were distributing cash to influence voters and attacked the Argus crew while they were shooting the act.

People from different walks of life condemned the act and demanded immediate legal action against the accused.

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