Urban polls: Draft booth list shared in all party meeting

Bhubaneswar, February 10: An all-party meeting was organised at the Special Circuit House here to invite suggestions and comments over the preliminary booth list for the civic body elections. Chaired by Bhubaneswar Additional District Magistrate (ADM) Prafulla Kumar Swain, the discussion was held on locations of booths and ward-wise booth distribution. Suggestions were invited regarding […]

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Odisha: 54 ULBs to get women chairpersons

Bhubaneswar, January 15: The Housing & Urban Development Department on Saturday issued a notification issuing draft reservation list of chairpersons of 107 Municipalities and Notified Area Councils (NACs) of the State. As per the notification, the office of Chairperson in 54 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) has been reserved for women candidates, including 9 ULBs for […]

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