Centre for prevention of NCDs launched at IMS and Sum Hospital

Bhubaneswar: With a spurt in incidence of non-communicable
diseases (NCD), the IMS and Sum Hospital, run by the SOA University, has been
chosen to be one of the 11 countrywide centres set up to aid prevention of such
Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Training Unit (NPTU) has been
established in collaboration with the Bangalore-based St. John’s Medical College
and Hospital which has opened such centres in ten other cities in different
states of the country.
about 20 million people suffer strokes each year while other NCDs like cancer,
kidney ailments and diabetes-related problems are on the upswing,” Head of
Department of Community Medicine at IMS and Sum Hospital, Prof. Trilochan Sahu,
short-term objective of this venture is to educate and provide counseling on
adherence to medications and lifestyle modification to high risk patients
suffering from hypertension, diabetes etc. Another important objective is to
create awareness among general public regarding changes needed in lifestyle,”
he said.
The NPTU was
inaugurated on Tuesday by Prof. Sahu and Professor of Medicine, Dr. B.N.Panda
in the presence of the University’s Managing Member Mr. Gopabandhu Kar.
“The need is
to bring in attitudinal change in patients in high risk category to opt for
life style changes”, Dr. Sahu said adding the program also had long term goals
like creating sustainable mechanism for coordination on prevention and control
of major NCDs such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and stroke.
The other
aims would be to reduce risk factors of these NCDs by promoting healthy
lifestyle and supportive environment and focus on prevention of such ailments,
he said.

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