Odisha Medical Corporation introduces e-tendering facility

Bhubaneswar, January 12: The Odisha State Medical
Corporation Limited (OSMC), an independent procurement entity of the State
Government, on Monday introduced e-tendering and e-procurement process to
purchase drugs and equipment for the Government hospitals.
The new facility will ensure transparency and speedy
tendering process. The OSMC will ensure timely procurement of quality
medicines, surgical and EIF (Equipment Instrument and Furniture) centrally
adhering to a fair, transparent, competitive tendering process for all
Government hospitals and medical colleges,” said Health and Family Welfare
Minister Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak after launching the facility.
Concerned officials of the OSMC and other stakeholders and
bidders have been given training to use the facility.
“One of the main advantages of the new move will be that the
name of companies participating in the tendering process, as well as their
details will be available online. Moreover, all the companies and their bids
will become accountable. Supply of quality products from qualified
manufacturers can be ensured,” said OSMC Managing Director Roopa Mishra.
Mishra said around 370 varieties of essential medicines of
all kinds of diseases, including of cancer will be procured through e-tendering
process and will be provided to patients at all Government hospitals starting
from CHC to Medical college level under Free Medicine Distribution Scheme
announced by the State Government recently.
The main functions of the Corporation will be timely
procurement of quality medicines, surgical and instrument and furniture,
managing 39 dug warehouses across the State to ensure smooth flow of supply to
health facilities through a centralised online inventory management system,
besides procurement and maintenance of medical equipment across health
The Corporation will take over the charge of 39 drug
warehouse set up across the State from April this year.
Health Secretary also highlighted different benefits of the
e-tendering facility and objectives of the Corporation.

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