DGP wants police Signal Establishment-Crime Record Bureau merged

Bhubaneswar, Sep 18: Director General of Police (DGP) KB
Singh has suggested to the State Government merger of Odisha Police Signal
Establishment at Cuttack with State Crime Record Bureau (SCRB) functioning at
The DGP suggested this in order to make Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and  Systems (CCTNS)
programme more effective in the police station level.
Maintaining that shortage of computer trained manpower in
Odisha Police is a major reason for the slow performance CCTNS programme in the
State, the DGP said that with the merger of these two establishments, 789
personnel presently working in the Signal establishment and 87 personnel of
SCRB can be deployed in the police stations exclusively for CCTNS work.
“The police personnel posted in the police stations are
engaged in crime prevention and detection, law and order, anti-Maoist
operations, maintenance of peace in communal and caste, conflict, community
policing activities etc. They therefore, find little time to work for the CCTNS
project. The strength in Odisha police is not sufficient to meet the present
requirement of State and is much lower than the national average. The
functioning of CCTNS and future proposal of functioning of “Citizens
Portal” have created a demand of additional technical man power to operate
the computer and communication equipment,” added Singh.
At present the computer trained personnel of SCRB are
monitoring the implementation of CCTNS from Bhubaneswar. As the number of
computer trained personnel’s in SCRB are few, it becomes very difficult on
their part to monitor the whole CCTNS activities smoothly. 
“If the Signal establishment is merged, an additional
computer trained manpower can be utilised for this mega CCTNS project. Besides,
the Signal staff are trained in operating and maintaining communication
equipments including computer. So, these staff can be a great boost for the
smooth implementation of CCTNS in the State,” suggested the DGP.

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