Deliberation on medico legal issues at Sum Hospital tomorrow

Bhubaneswar, Nov. 11: Eminent
experts on medico legal issues will be debating a myriad topics surrounding the
doctor-patient-healthcare provider relationship at a national conference on
‘Ethics and Medico Legal Issues’ at the SOA University here on Saturday.
“The rapid introduction of
innovative medical technologies, increased awareness about legal rights and
obligations and rising healthcare costs have impacted this area with medical
negligence claims on the rise,” Dr. Sunil Agrawala, Surgical Oncologist and
Organising Secretary of the conference said.
The conference’s general theme
aimed to highlight the importance of medical professional indemnity and better
management of doctor-patient-healthcare provider relationship, he said adding
over 400 delegates from different parts of the country had registered to attend
the conference to be held at the Institute of Medical Sciences and SUM
The experts who would
participate in the day-long conference would include Dr. M.C.Gupta, a renowned
medico-legal expert, Dr. R.K.Sharma, noted authority on forensic medicine and
Dr. Purvish Parikh, renowned oncologist besides a plethora of legal experts,
medical professionals, former senior police officers and media persons.
There would be four separate
sessions to deliberate on different subjects. The subjects would be ‘Medical
Ethics and Patient’s Right’, ‘Social and Legal Issues confronting the Medical
Profession’, ‘Professional Indemnity-the Indian Perspective ‘  and ‘Curbing Medical Negligence and 
Malpractice’. The conference has been supported by the Indian Association of
Medico-legal Experts, Odisha Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India,
Medico-legal Society of Odisha nd Temple City Onco Club.
Dr. B.B.Mishra is the
Organizing Chairman for the conference while Dr. Manoj Kumar Sahu is the
Chairman of the Scientific Committee and Dr. J.Hansa is the Chairman of the
Registration Committee.

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