Science Express to arrive at Chhatrapur station tomorrow

Bhubaneswar, May 16: After successful tours at Bhadrak and
Puri Railway stations, the Science Express will be stationed at Chhatrapur railway
station in Ganjam district on Wednesday and people can visit the exhibition on
wheels from 10 am to 6pm, an East Coast Railway (ECoR) release said on Tuesday.
Entry is free for all.
The main objective of the Science Express Climate Action
Special (SECAC), an Exhibition on Wheel is to create awareness among various
sections of society, especially students, teachers and general public about the
climate change and similar issues.
Mounted on a customised 16 coach AC Train, it is an initiative
of Department of Science and Technology of the Union Government in
collaboration with other Ministries like Ministry of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change (MoEFCC); Department of Bio-technology and Ministry of Railways
and has been designed by Vikram-A-Sarabhai Community Science Centre.
The train will be displayed for public at Kottavalasa railway
station from May 20 to 23 under the ECoR jurisdiction Visakhapatnam. 

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