Tsunami preparedness mock drill in 4 States including Odisha on Friday

November 23, 2017: A multi-State mega mock exercise on Tsunami preparedness
will be held on Friday in 31 coastal districts across four States, including Odisha and a Union Territory (UT).
The Ministry
of Home Affairs (MHA) through National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and
the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) will conduct
the drive.
The exercise
will be simultaneously conducted in 31 coastal districts across four States –
West Bengal, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu – and Union Territory
Puducherry along the entire east coast. The disaster scenario will simulate
tsunami waves originating due to a high-intensity earthquake near the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, which will lead to a massive tsunami along the east coast.
from 11 Pacific Island countries will observe the entire exercise to take away
key lessons and best practices to be adopted while preparing for and responding
to a disaster situation.
The exercise
is one of the various activities planned on the occasion of the 2nd World
Tsunami Awareness Day held on November 5 this year.
Tsunami is a
highly devastating natural hazard, and requires rapid response when it occurs
as the reaction time is limited. A two-hour reaction time has been planned in
this scenario during which the entire State machinery will be mobilised in a
defined manner to respond swiftly and efficiently. Evacuation drills will also
be rehearsed at selected sites. This exercise aims to assess and help improve
the preparedness, response mechanism and coordination among concerned agencies.
eastern coast is susceptible to both floods and tsunamis and many coastal
districts have conducted similar mock exercises for better preparedness over
the years. This is, however, the first time that the entire eastern coast will
participate in a mock exercise simultaneously.

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