Bhubaneswar: The BJD on Tuesday moved the State Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) with an allegation that the BJP violated the election model code of conduct (MCC) by using voice messaging service for live speech transmission of Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Bhawanipatna in Kalahandi district.
The BJD told the CEO that the mobile number 9345014501 was used for voice messanging service without Media Certification and Monitoring Committee (MCMC) approval, which is mandatory in the MCC.
As per the Compendium of Election Guidelines, if telephonic messaging is used on phone in election campaigning, it should be in the purview of the pre-certification of election advertisements as in case of TV channels/ cable network and radio, etc. It also states that the legal provisions as applicable in other modes of electronic media would also be applicable to such bulk SMSs/ voice messages.
“The speech of Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra was transmitted through bulk voice messaging call in live format on mobile no 9345014501. Anyone could call this number and would hear the live speech of Modi. Therefore, we demand that strict action be taken against the BJP for violation of the election guidelines and the cost of this transmission through phone is booked against the expenditure of the BJP candidates for the Kalahandi Parliamentary and the Bhawanipatna Assembly seats proportionately, splitting the total cost by 50 per cent to each,” demanded the BJD.
Party spokespersons Lenin Mohanty, Sulata Deo, Sulachana Das and Sasmit Patro met the CEO.