Odisha rushes 2 young IAS officers to BMC, Khurda for Covid management

Bhubaneswar, September 1: The State Government on Tuesday deputed two IAS officers to assist in COVID-19 management in Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) and Khurda district, which have now turned hotspots.
Chief Secretary Asit Tripathy informed that Special Additional District Magistrates Parul Patwari and Vishal Singh posted in Ganjam have been transferred to BMC and Khurda district, respectively.
“Outstanding work by two bright young IAS officers sent urgently to Ganjam district during the height of pandemic. Spl ADMs Parul Patwari  & Vishal Singh are brought back to assist the BMC & the Khurda Collector in Covid mgt respectively. Their experience will count,” tweeted Chief Secretary.
Commending the work of Patwari and Singh, the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik tweeted, “Young IAS officers, Parul Patwari & Vishal Singh have contributed significantly in helping Ganjam Dist recover from its peak caseload of #COVID19. CM @Naveen_Odisha congratulates them & wishes them success in their next assignment with BMC & Khordha district.”

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