NABARD estimates Credit Potential of Odisha at Rs 2.52 lakh crore for 2025-26


Bhubaneswar, February 15: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) organised the State Credit Seminar for 2025-26 on Saturday here, in which the State Focus Paper for Odisha was released, projecting an overall credit potential lunder Priority Sector at Rs 2,52,000 crore for the year 2025-26.

The seminar was inaugurated by Deputy Chief Minister Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo. Chief Secretary Manoj Ahuja, Rajesh Prabhakar Patil, Commissioner-cum- Secretary, Cooperation Department and Goutam Patra, Convenor, SLBC in the presence of controlling Heads of Banks, officials from State Government departments, stakeholders, farmers & SHG members from various districts from Odisha.

Dr. Sudhanshu K K Mishra, CGM NABARD viewed that, concerted effort is needed for increasing the credit flow to priority sector with focus on agriculture and allied sector in particular.

He informed that NABARD has set the priority sector target for 2025-26 at Rs 2,52,000 crore. He stressed upon strengthening of PACS for building a strong ecosystem for business and income generating activities.

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