Modi assures good governance at Vijay Sankalp Samavesh


Slams Cong, BJD

Coming down heavily on BJD Government in Odisha Congress-led UPA Government for
their failure on all fronts, BJP Prime Ministerial candidate and Gujarat Chief
Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday urged the people of Odisha to elect BJP
candidates in all the 21 Lok Sabha seats in the State.
“During last 14 years of BJD rule
Odisha witness no visible development. Unfortunately, most of the migrant
labourers from Odisha are from Chief Minister Naveen Patniak’s home district
Ganjam. Similarly, he also slammed Congress led UPA Government at Centre for
its largescale corruption anti-people and anti-farmers’ policy,” said Modi here
at the Vijay Sankalp Samavesh at Baramunda ground.
Hence, I need 21 Kamals (lotuses)
from Odisha to usher in the change that the State badly needs. Unless there is
a direct ‘pipeline’ from here to New Delhi
and me, I cannot do much for your State even if I become the Prime Minister,”
Modi said.
Comparing BJP ruled State with
Congress ruled States Modi said governance has totally failed in non-BJP ruled
States in the country.
However, Narendra Modi’s call for
‘A note for cooperation, vote for lotus, (in Odia, Sahayoga ra gotie note,
Padmaphulare gotie vote) received an overwhelming response from people at his
Vijay Sankalap Samavesh here.
Modi and Rajnath Singh, who
unveiled the weeklong campaign, also donated money. The campaign will continue
till February 18.
There were long queues at the
meeting place to donate money in the specially-designed boxes that had the
pictures of Modi, party president Rajanath Singh and party symbol ‘lotus’
painted on them.
The donation, as it was seen,
ranged from 500-rupee note to 1-rupee coin.
“I donated Rs 50 so as to express
my solidarity with the BJP. I want to see Narendra Modi as the next Prime
Minister of India. He is the only person who can build a corruption-free India,”
said Rajendra Satpathy, a resident of Jajpur.

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