CM launches e- Vidyalaya project

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen
Patnaik on Thursday inaugurated the most ambitious project e-Vidyalaya of
School and Mass Education Department. In the first phase the project will be
implemented in 4,000 high schools under ICT. Later, it will be extended to additional
2000 high schools.

this project the teachers would be teaching through Smart Board and students would
be learning through computer. This is a unique technology integration which is
catering to both teaching and learning of education simultaneously.
interactive content on the smart board is making the classroom very interactive
and students are completely engaged and enjoying the class. The smart board is
a finger touch board and the teachers are finding it very easy to use.
project is managed by OKCL through BOOT service provider IETS and
TCIL. Computers, Smart board, e- content and other infrastructure will make
this e Vidyalaya not less than any good private school. The dept has ensured
the best quality and branded equipments for this project.
Director of SMART India Chandan K Sonowal told “Smart is extremely happy to
collaborate with Odisha education department to introduce interactive and
collaborative learning. Smart shall contribute significantly to bring a
transformation in education through this noble initiative. This Smart
environment inside classroom will make the student and teacher SMART and
and Mass Education and many senior Government officials were present during the
launching ceremony.

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