SUM Hospital chosen by ICMR for hospital based cancer registry

Bhubaneswar: The
Institute of Medical Sciences and Sum Hospital, run by the SOA University, has
been chosen by Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) to start a Hospital
Based Cancer Registry (HBCR) programme.
The IMS and Sum
Hospital is the first in Odisha to be chosen by the ICMR for such a programme.
This is the first step in establishing a full research background on oncology
including molecular biology, its Medical Director, Prof. D.K.Ray said.
The data would involve
assessment of patient care and participation in clinical research to evaluate
therapy, Prof. Ray said.
The basic methodology
of this project envisaged capturing core patient information concerning persons
treated at the hospital since 2013 so that the data collected could fulfil the
broad objectives of the HBCR program, Dr. Sunil Agrawala, Associate Professor
in the department of Surgical Oncology at the hospital and Chief Principal
Investigator of the program, said.
Dr. P.K.Mohanty,
Medical Superintendent of the hospital, said it would provide an insight to the
pattern of cancer in the area, help plan hospital facilities, contribute
towards active follow-up of the patient, undertake epidemiological research, show
time trends in proportion of early to late stages of the ailment at the time of
diagnosis and help assess quality of hospital care and cancer services in the
covered area.
The program is being
conducted by the National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research of the
ICMR under the National Cancer Registry Program, Dr. Agrawala said adding it
would promote research while ensuring monitoring and assessment of the
effectiveness of cancer control activities.

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