‘Peacocks’ death not due to avian flu in Odisha

Bhubaneswar, December 15: In a major relief to the State Government, samples of the dead
peacocks sent to the ICAR National Institute of High Security Animal Diseases (HSADL),
Bhopal have tested negative for avian influenza.
Fisheries and Animal Resources Development
Department Commissioner-cum-Secretary Bishnupada Sethi said the samples of
birds, including two peacocks, one crow and a dead crane tested negative for
bird flu.
Asked about the reason behind the death of the
birds, Sethi said, “The OUAT authorities will conduct more tests to determine
the exact reason of the death and it will take some time.”
As many as 20 peacocks, cranes and crows were found
dead in Madhupur village forest in Khordha district on December 8. The swabs
were sent to the Bhopal- HSADL to determine the cause of the mysterious deaths.
Soon after the incident was reported, a joint team
of Animal Diseases Research Institute (ADRI), Phulnakhara, Forest Department as
well as OUAT visited Madhupur for ground inspection.
The teams also surveyed six villages under Angarpada
gram panchayat including Madhupur, Angarpada, Mahula, Minchinpatna, Palaspur
and Paniola for AI surveillance. Only the postmortem report can confirm about the
death, said an expert. 

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