Rape and suicide of tribal girl: NHRC summons K’handi DM for appearance

Bhubaneswar, Nov 3: The National Human
Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued conditional summon to Kalahandi
Collector-cum-District Magistrate (DM) to appear in person over non-compliance
of its direction involving financial compensation to the next of the kin of a deceased
tribal girl student.
It was alleged that on August 29,
2012, a tribal girl Kuni Majhi (13), student of Class VII who was inmate of Government-run
Gopalpur Sevashram, Thuamul Rampur block in Kalahandi committed suicide after
being subjected to sexual abuse.
The DM has been directed to appear
before the commission on November 16 to produce the required
“However, the required
information/documents be received on or before 8/11/2016, his personal presence
shall be dispensed with,” the latest order of the apex human rights watchdog
The commission has taken serious view
as the matter is very old pending since the year 2012. The Collector has not
responded despite warning of coercive process under Section 13 of the PHR Act,
The instant direction came upon a case
filed by rights campaigner Subash Mohapatra.
On April, 26, the NHRC had issued a
reminder to Kalahandi DM for submission of the current status of financial
assistance to be provided to the next of kin of the deceased Kuni Majhi along
with the proof.
Though the police arrested the culprit
Mashu Majhi but they did not take an action against the authorities of the
school. Subsequently, Kuni Majhi died under suspicious circumstances on
September 24, 2012 in the school premises.
This development is in the backdrop of
recently launched policy framework for private participation in industrial
infrastructure development.

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