UNFPA Goodwill ambassador Ashley Judd to visit Odisha on Feb 7

Bhubaneswar, Feb 5: Ashley Judd, the global goodwill
ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and popular Hollywood
actor is slated to visit Odisha from February 7 to 11.
A strong promoter of strong promoter of rights of girls and
women, she has been travelling around the world to advocate against
gender-based violence and discrimination, so that young people can enter their
adulthood safely.
She will visit places where UNFPA is implementing several
programmes aimed at empowering young people, and promoting sexual and
reproductive health of women and girls.
UNFPA strongly advocates for investments in the rights and
well-being of adolescents and youth, particularly the most marginalized, so
that India can tap its huge demographic dividend in order to facilitate
inclusive and a sustainable growth. UNFPA, in India, also works towards
expanding the availability and use of information and services, with a focus on
reproductive health and in ending the practice of gender-biased sex selection
and promoting gender equity and equality.
UNFPA is implementing the life skills education programme for
adolescents in tribal residential schools across the state of Odisha. As girls
in tribal communities are especially vulnerable, due to high incidence of
school dropout and child marriage, the life skills-based programmes supported
by UNFPA in this state are specially designed to empower young girls and boys,
and help them make informed and appropriate choices in their lives.
During her stay in Odisha, Ashley Judd will be exposed to the
rich culture and lifestyle of tribal communities, including their varied art
and handicrafts. Ashley will receive the Humanitarian award at the Kalinga
Institute of Social Sciences (KISS) for her passionate advocacy and commitment
towards working against sexual exploitation of girls and women. The award is
given annually to personalities with exceptionally high contribution to the
society in social and economic fields.
Special sessions will also be organised with tribal
adolescent girls and boys for Ashley to interact and understand their
challenges and aspirations.
UNFPA India works with the government and partners to
advocate for adolescents and youth development and investments, including
education, livelihood skills and health, including sexual and reproductive

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