Headmaster thrashed for sexually abusing minor girls

Crime Odisha

Mayurbhanj: A headmaster of school in tribal dominated Mayurbhanj district was thrashed for sexually abusing three minor girls on Thursday. Parents of the girls accused the headmaster identified as Anangdeb Tipiria of sexually abusing the minor girls for the last few days.

The incident came to light after the three victims – students of Class-VII – shared the ordeals with their parents. The shameful incident happened at the Nuhamalia Govt UP School in Gorida panchayat in Morada block in the district.

According to sources, the accused headmaster had been allegedly sexually harassing the three girls for the last few days. Unable to bear the trauma, the little girls informed this to their parents three days ago.  Later, their parents met the School Managing Committee president and members and also district education officials seeking justice.

However, no measures were taken. On the other hand, the accused did not come to school and instead asked a lady teacher to run the school.

Angered at this, family members of the girls and locals raided the school this morning. When the situation went out of control, the headmaster along with his family members reached the school in a Bolero following which he faced the wrath of the people.

The locals thrashed the Tipiria mercilessly decrying his shameful activities with minor girls.

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