Cuttack: Justice Pramath Patnaik on Friday took charge as the judge of the Orissa High Court. Chief Justice KS Jhaveri administered the oath of office to him at the court premises in the presence of judges and judicial and senior State and district administration officials.
On January 10, the Supreme Court Collegium passed a resolution recommending the repatriation of Justice Patnaik from the Jharkhand High Court to the Orissa HC, his parent High Court.
Justice Patnaik was transferred to the Jharkhand High Court and had been serving as a judge there since December 22, 2014. In November 2018, Justice Patnaik submitted a representation before the SC Collegium requesting a re-transfer of him to the parent High Court.
Born on June 14 1959, he was elevated as an Additional Judge of Orissa High Court on September 24, 2014.
A Master Degree holder in Political Science from Delhi University and a law graduate, he was enrolled as an advocate in 1986 and practiced at the Orissa High Court. He was appointed as Standing Counsel from March 1994 to October 1994 in Orissa Administrative Tribunal and Government Advocate in-charge from October 1994 to June 1995.
He was also appointed as Additional Standing Counsel in Orissa High Court from 2000 to 2006 and also appointed as Additional Government Advocate in Orissa HC from 2006 to 2009. He also served as Government Advocate at the SAT Principal Bench from September 2011 to September 2014.