Workshop focuses on achieving Millennium Development Goals

Bhubaneswar: With 500 days left to the Millennium
Development Goals (MDG), people from different walks of life like retired
bureaucrats, UNDP officials and NGO representatives here at a workshop to chalk
out modalities to achieve the goal.
Organized by international child rights organization-Save
the Children marking 500 day countdown to MDG achievement beginning from Monday
till 2015, the workshop laid emphasis on time bound targets for addressing
extreme poverty.
At the Millennium Summit in September 2000, the largest
gathering of world leaders in history adopted the UN Millennium Declaration,
committing their nations to a new global partnership to reduce extreme poverty
and setting out a series of time-bound targets, with deadline of 2015, which
have become known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
As per reports, the MDGs are the world’s time-bound and
quantified targets for addressing extreme poverty in its many dimensions-income
poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter and exclusion-while
promoting gender equality, education and environmental sustainability. As
reported in the latest official India MDG Report (2014), India is likely to
fall short of a majority of the targets and indicators with respect to Goal 1,
3, 4, 5 and 7.
“But when we talk about success in Goal 2 and 6, we also
come across a reality that school enrolment has increases but dropout rates are
also high, making enrolment rates meaningless,” observed Sundhansu Kumar Padhi
of Save the Children.
The speakers at the workshop discussed on all the 8 MDGs
that India as a nation is committed to and also discussed the status of Odisha
in achieving MDGs.
Retired bureaucrat Dr Aurobindo Behera reiterated that “There
is need of a think tank including political leaders, academicians and civil
society members to monitor the plan and progress.”
Former RTI Commissioner Jagadananda chairing the inaugural
session maintained that we shouldn’t cry after 2015 about the failures.
Among others  UNDP
Odisha Programme Officer Ambika Prasad Nanda, Umi Daniel from Aide-et-Action
Anil Pradhan from Sikshya Sandhan , Ms. Ranjana Das, Oxfam India , Dr. Soumya
Kanta Mishra,  Manmath Mohanty, HDF , Dr.
Meena Som, Unicef , Jatin Das, Senior Journalist, Reuters. Gouri Shyam Panda
and Ms Basundhara Tripathy from RCDC shared their views.

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