Common Result Framework to reduce malnutrition designed

Oct 27: Draft Common Result Framework (CRF) for reduction of malnutrition in
Odisha has been designed by the Working Group constituted for the purpose. This
was discussed in a high level meeting held under the chairmanship of Chief
Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi on Thursday.
Chairman of
the Working Group and Secretary Women and Child Development Vishal Dev
presented the draft for discussion. 
The CRF has
been designed to achieve a reduction of 20 percentage points in malnutrition
Odisha by 2025 to keep pace with the targets set under Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) and World Health Assembly ( WHA). The indicators like stunting,
anemia, low birth weight, exclusive breast feeding, child hood wasting have
been suggested as indicators for measuring the reduction in malnutrition.
The draft
CRF revealed that because of several child welfare, health, sanitation, food security
and child care initiatives, there has been reduction in stunting among children
under 5 from 45% in 2005-06 to 38% in 2013-14. There has been significant
decline in IMR from 112 in 1992-93 to 49 in 2014. Improvement in rural
connectivity, increased use of ICDS and helth services by the people has
resulted in these achievements.
advised to achieve improvement in all key result areas through scale up of
nutrition specific governance. The identified key result areas include,
increased demand and delivery of nutrition related services and entitlements, increased
state capacity, improved multi sectoral planning and convergence; and Improved
commitment and leadership for nutrition. 
It was
decided to prepare Odisha Multi-sector Nutrition Action Plan (ONAP) through
consultation with concerned departments dealing food security, nutrition, and
agricultural productivity, sanitation, health and maternity care. Chief
Secretary advised to complete the interdepartmental consultation within two weeks
and finalise the ONAP. It was also decided to operationalise a Nutrition
Secretariat as an overarching body to provide guidance and direction to all
components of the project.
It may be
pertinent here to mention that with the objectives of reducing malnutrition in
Odisha, State Government has entered into an MOU with Azim Premji Philanthropic
Initiatives (APPI). The ONAP will be carried forward in joint collaboration
between the Government and APPI.
Secretary Rural Development Pradeepta Kumar Mohapatra, Secretary Fisheries and
Animal Resource Development Bishnupada Sethi, Director National Health Mission Salini
Pandit along with senior officers from concerned departments and members from
APPI under the leadership of Devjit Mitra participated in the deliberations. 

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