Health Minister to visit Kandhamal twins at AIIMS tomorrow

Bhubaneswar, October 31, 2017: Odisha Health Minister Pratap
Jena will visit AIIMS, New Delhi to inquire the health condition of Kandhamal’s
conjoined twins Jaga and Kalia, who were successfully separated on Wednesday
after a marathon surgery that lasted around 16 hours on October 25.
“I will visit AIIMS tomorrow. I will hold discussion with the
AIIMS doctors about the health condition of the twins,” said Jena.
The twins are still in ICU and are likely to be out of ICU in
10 days.
“Jaga and Kalia operated on October 25 at AIIMS are still in
ICU. They are still very sick and will have to stay in ICU for 7-10 days or
longer depending on need,” said a press released issued by the AIIMS on Monday.
“A team of 15 consultations and 10 residents are looking
after this case under the supervision of Professor AK Mohapatra and Dr Deepak
Kumar Gupta. They are looked after by Plastic Surgeons. The condition is stable
and babies are slowly improving,” it said.
“Both the babies are also looked after by Plastic Surgeons.
Breathing is good and hemodynamically stable,” the released said, added that they
are looked after by Neuroanaesthetists and Neurosurgeons 24*7 and dedicately
supported by Paediatric Intensive care Specialist, Paediatric Cardiologist,
Paediatric Neuro and Paediatric Nephrologists.
“Jaga is showing response to some command and on dialysis to
support his compromised kidney function. They are still very sick and will have
to stay in ICU for 7-10 days or longer depending on need,” it added.
Jaga and Kalia are joined from their heads by birth. In
medical term, kids with such sort of deformity are known as ‘craniopagus
conjoint twins.’ It is an extremely rare condition found in 1 in 2.5 million
births in the world. Such deformity afflicts one in 30 lakh children, of which
50 per cent die either at birth or within 24 hours. Surgery is feasible only on
25 per cent of the survivors, while the rest continue to live with the
On July 19 Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik had
sanctioned Rs 1 crore for the treatment of the twins.

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